Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, January 12, 2024
My Children Pray, Pray for the Fate of This World
Message from Our Lady to Simona in Zaro di Ischia, Italy of January 8, 2024

I saw Mother, She was all dressed in white, on Her head the crown of twelve stars and a wide white mantle that also covered Her shoulders and reached all the way down to Her feet, which barefoot rested on the world. Mother had Her arms outstretched in welcome and in Her right hand a long crown of the holy rosary made as if of ice drops.
Praised be Jesus Christ
My dear children, I love you with an immense love.
My children, I come to you to show you the way, to lead you to My beloved Jesus.
My children, it is long since I have come among you, but alas children you do not listen to Me and often resort to magicians, sorcerers, fortune tellers, sorcerers, who lead you on wrong paths.
My children, return to the Father, there is no sin that if confessed with repentance is not forgiven and erased, return to the Father through the Sacrament of Holy Confession.
My children let Me help you, cling to My hand and I will guide you safely to the Father's house.
My children pray, pray for the fate of this world, children only in Christ is there true love, true peace, true joy, only He can give you true peace, only He is Way, Truth and Life.
My children I love you, I love you and I want you all to be saved.
My children, pray and teach how to pray.
Now I give you My holy blessing.
Thank you for flocking to Me.